Our Service

Leadership Development Programs

We offer tailored leadership development programs for churches and their leadership teams. This personalized approach addresses your unique needs and goals. Our programs foster awareness, enhance leadership skills, deepen relationships, and drive meaningful change.


Leadership always starts with you. The better you know yourself and the unique giftings God has blessed you with, the better you are able to lead and serve those around you with confidence and care.


There is an assumption that if we talk all day that we must be a good communicator. We help you discover your foundational communication voice, how to bring impact using your voice, and how to listen and understand the other voices on your team.


It is great to understand yourself and your communication style, but is your team all on the same page regarding your mission and vision? We help teams build clarity so they understand the big picture goals of the organization as well as the day to day roles and expectations.


Sometimes when teams and leaders go through challenges, they lose some of that drive to accomplish their mission. We help leaders find joy in their calling by ensuring they have a healthy capacity through balance in presence and productivity.


Better awareness, alignment, and capacity is important for teams and leaders, but healthy relationships are the key to success. Ensuring the relationships of your team are built on trust, respect, collaboration, and fun will take you to the next level.


Health always flows downstream. Our goal is not just to make leaders and teams more healthy, but to see this healthy and excellence flow to the people they lead and serve. We teach you the keys to developing others, building a culture of multiplying healthy leaders.

Program Benefits

Popular Offerings

Discovering Your Leadership Voice

Understanding your unique giftings in leadership and communication and how to positively impact others.

Transforming Team Communication

Utilize insights from your Leadership Voice to improve team relationships and collaboration

Leading with Presence and Productivity

Learn how to balance the chaos of tasks and work with the need for meaningful connection and relationships

Managing Conflict and Difficult Conversations

Learn how to balance the need for challenge and support in conflict or difficult conversations

Leadership Intensives

A deep dive multi-session experience that navigates through the building blocks of transformation as a leader

Strategic Planning + Leadership
Year-End Review

Develop goals and strategies that you can actually accomplish and bring alignment and excitement to the team. Review your year in leadership citing experiences and lessons learned while setting goals and aspirations for the year ahead


God has given you, your church, and your ministry a unique calling. Pastors, ministry leaders, and their teams embrace this calling, understanding their context, culture, and congregation. Our desire is to partner with you on this journey, bringing our resources and expertise to help you thrive. We value the idea of partnership, much like a friendship, where we continually learn about and support the churches and ministries we serve, ensuring lasting benefit and impact year after year.

Partner Churches